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由普世博愛運動創辦人盧嘉勒(Chiara Lubich)於1991年5月在巴西聖保羅創立的共融經濟(EoC)吸引了各級企業家,工人,董事,消費者,銀行儲戶,公民,學者,經濟學家,致力於促進實踐和經濟文化印在交流,恩惠和互惠之上。通過自己的例子,他們提出了在資本主義體系中占主導地位的替代生活方式。



● 生活和傳播新的全民和經濟文化,從我們中間最小的到最年長的,盧嘉勒稱之為“給予的文化”
● 組建新的企業家,重新組織新的企業家,自願分享利潤,以維持共融經濟(EoC)的目標:減少排斥及其後的貧困,傳播文化和交流,發展企業和創造新的工作; 針對世界各地和每一個社會背景下被排除在外的人,可以為他們設想並以他們生活上的活動作為共同利益的職業和服務的商人。
● 通過雙重包容來打擊各種形式的貧窮,排斥和貧窮:生產力和社區主義; 事實上,由於我們過去二十年的經驗,我們相信,沒有任何形式的強迫貧窮可以治癒,而不包括生活在兄弟的社區中的弱勢群體,也可能在企業內部,也可能在工作場所中。使那些能夠而且應該工作的人擁有機會,否則冒著永遠貧窮的風險。



共融經濟網址 : http://www.edc-online.org/en/


About Economy of Communion

The Economy of Communion (EoC), founded by Chiara Lubich in May 1991 in San Paolo Brazil, draws entrepreneurs, workers, directors, consumers, savers, citizens, scholars, economists, all committed, at various levels, in promoting a practice and an economic culture imprinted on communion, gratuity and reciprocity. Through their own example, they propose an alternative lifestyle to the dominant one within our capitalistic system.

In Concrete Terms, the EoC Invites us to:

● Live and spread a new civil and economic culture, from the youngest to the oldest among us, which Chiara Lubich called “The Culture of Giving”
● To form new entrepreneurs and renew present ones who willingly share their profit to sustain the goals of the EoC: reduction of exclusion and its subsequent poverty, diffusion of the culture of giving and of communion, development of businesses and creation of new jobs; business people who can conceive and live their activity as a vocation and service for the common good, aiming at the excluded in every part of the world and every social context;
● To fight various forms of indigence, exclusion and poverty with a double inclusion: productive and communitarian; in fact, we are convinced because of our experience of the past twenty years, that no form of forced poverty can be cured without including the disadvantaged in living fraternal communities and, where possible, also in the workplace, within businesses: so that those who can, and should work, might have an opportunity, or otherwise run the risk of remaining forever indigent.

Europe 501 (of which 242 in Italy)
South America 257
North America 35
Asia 25 Africa 43

In the last 5 years, 115 business decided to join, 32 in 2012. A few hundred have begun to live the very culture of fraternity. This new economic culture intends to favor a new conception of economic behavior, not only utilitarianistic, but aimed at the integral and supportive promotion of the person and of society.

Web site: http://www.edc-online.org/en/