關於EoC業務網絡 國際經濟貿易(EoC)商業網絡將現有企業,實習和有興趣的支持者聚集在一起,合作討論業務實踐,報告年度業務活動信息,並分享公司,社區和全球的生活交流經驗。 800家企業中的每一家都遵循EoC準則,包括利益分享,以幫助有需要的人,並促進促進捐贈文化的結構和培訓計劃。國際經濟網站提供EoC商業指南,最新消息和活動的詳細信息,以及專門用於了解EoC價值觀的研究和學術文章。
當Focolare的創始人Chiara Lubich在1991年訪問了巴西聖保羅的社區時,她感到很激動,希望許多人對解決他們國家的社會問題有更有效的影響。正如盧比奇與他們反映的那樣,他們開始看到新的可能性。
(1) 團結工人,業主,工作和世界的靈感為什麼不開始企業 - 正常的營利性企業 - 可以僱用和創造利潤?
(2) 這些利潤可以分為三個部分:為窮人提供援助,教育和組建可以幫助培養給予文化,促進企業發展。共融的經濟誕生了。 從這個項目開始,一種新的做生意的方式就是通過統一來實現的,未來可能會趨向於自由的共融。
台灣台南 瑭譯國際藝術策展有限公司成為台灣,也是世界第一個以藝術共融經濟為主軸的體現單位
About the EoC Business Network
The international Economy of Communion (EoC) Business Network brings existing businesses, interns, and interested supporters together to collaborate and discuss business practices, to report yearly information on business activities, and to share experiences of living communion in the company, community, and worldwide. Each of the 800 businesses follows EoC guidelines, including profit sharing to help those in need and to foster structures and training programs that promote a culture of giving. The
International Economy of Communion website provides details on EoC business guidelines, the latest news and events, plus research and scholarly articles devoted to understanding the values of the EoC.
The beginnings of the Economy of Communion
● An Idea that no one among us would be in need
When The Focolare’s founder, Chiara Lubich, visited the community in Sao Paulo, Brazil in 1991, she was touched by the ardent desire of many to have a more effective impact in addressing the social problems of their country. As Lubich reflected with them, they began to see new possibilities.
● The Inspiration to unite worker, owner, work and the world Why not start businesses –normal, for-profit businesses–which could employ and create profits? These profits could be divided into three parts: for aid for the poor, for education and formation that could help foster a culture of giving, and for the development of the businesses themselves.
● The Economy of Communion is born. From this project’s inception, a new way of doing business developed, a way through unity, toward which the future could tend–a way of Communion in Freedom.
Membership in Taiwan
Tang Yi International Art Curation Co., Ltd. Taiwan Tainan is the membership of EOC, is also the world's first economic integration of the economy as the main embodiment of the unit