The Chinese trademark is translated by the famous calligraphy artist Ms. Lu Mingqi, Company Logo also retains calligraphy artist Lu Mingqi inscription.

為Growing With Art Economy of communion的縮寫,也就是與藝術共融經濟一起成長。因此,GWA希望可以透過隸屬於這品牌下的相關業務,作為以「藝術共融經濟」的面向,讓藝術作為共融經濟體現的主軸。
Art becomes a part of the economy of communion.

is the abbreviation of Growing With Art Economy of communion, which is growing with the art of communion economy. Therefore, GWA hopes to be under the brand under the relevant business, as the "art of communion economy," the face, so that art as a communion economy embodies the main axis.
We Art,「我們藝術」,是一個動詞、一個運動,商標創設的目標是號召以藝術運動為共同意識,發起任何以藝術為方法,進入社會的創新表述過程,成為藝術與藝術家的創作表現並能遍及社會公義的目標。
Art movement and multicultural.
"We Art" as a verb,a movement, the goal that the trademark creation is to call on the art movement as a common sense, to launch any art as a method to enter the society of innovative expression process, with art and the artist's creative performance. Can aim at the meaning of social justice.